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DEAI Mainframe

Mainframe Staking Vault is an essential part of the Zero1 Ecosystem.

By staking $DEAI, our users not only receive staking rewards but also have a unique opportunity to become early investors and periodically receive airdrops from top-tier DEAI projects curated through the Zero Construct Program.

Mainframe is also the convergence point for the Node Runners (Validators) of the Cypher AppChain.

Node Runners play a key role in ensuring the safe and smooth operation of our PoS DEAI Ecosystem.

Stakers will receive a notification when the opportunity to become a Node Runner arises.

  • DEAI Vaults
  • Validator
  • Staking CalculatorSoon
Linear Vesting

3 Months

Stake DEAI. Earn APY/ZCP Incentives

Stake Summary
  • APY ($DEAI) 15%
  • + ZCP Incentives 20-80%
  • Total staked 0 DEAI
Linear Vesting

6 Months

Stake DEAI. Earn APY/ZCP Incentives

Stake Summary
  • APY ($DEAI) 20%
  • + ZCP Incentives 20-80%
  • Total staked 0 DEAI
Linear Vesting

9 Months

Stake DEAI. Earn APY/ZCP Incentives

Stake Summary
  • APY ($DEAI) 25%
  • + ZCP Incentives 20-80%
  • Total staked 0 DEAI
Total staked
>_ 0 DEAI
0% of Circulating Supply

Upcoming Mainframe Sales




Seraphnet is an AI application layer orchestrated by our proprietary Swarm Manager and powered by a cutting-edge LLMOps infrastructure.

Starts in:
  • Total Mainframe AllocationTBA
  • Price per tokenTBA
  • Total raiseTBA
>_Apply for Zero Construct Program incubation

Mainframe Sales Breakdown

1st Round

3h duration
Guaranteed allocation for 9 mo vault stakers

2nd Round

3h duration
FCFS for
6 mo vault stakers

3rd Round

24h duration
FCFS for
3 mo vault stakers